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Download Our Free Sales Funnel Template For Excel

Download our Free Sales Funnel Template for Excel

Sources Report

Identify the sources that bring in the most visits, contacts, and customers above time. Drill into each derivation to see the contacts and companies it is generating.

Contacts & Companies Reports [Enterprise]

Deep dive into your contacts database to reveal key trends in your data above time. Break throughout the length of any mention by contact or company-level properties.

Page Performance

Assess key metrics on top of how your pages are performing in manner of speaking about views, keywords, and links. Get customized recommendations on top of improving SEO performance.

Events [Enterprise]

Drill deeper visitor behavior on top of your website by generating promotional events on top of links, buttons, and purchases by way of your site. Use events to get your visitors behavior and trigger automation flows.

Competitors Report

The Competitors mention makes it easy to monitor other companies that you contend WIV in your business by way of real-time data on top of key promotional and website metrics.

Marketing Asset Analytics

Analytics in HubSpot are spread across the entire platform. See detailed reports on top of every promotional benefit - Landing pages, emails, your blog, calls-to-action, and more.